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Leaders of the epidemic prevention and control coordination department in Shidao Management Area came to the company to organize and hold epidemic prevention and control propaganda

Release Time:2022-09-14

Recently, the leaders of the epidemic prevention and control docking department of Shidao Management Area came to the company to organize the epidemic prevention and control publicity. In order to ensure that the prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic situation of all enterprises are free of dead ends and kept on file, the prevention and control publicity was carried out in combination with the spirit of documents such as the "Work Plan for Fully Doing Well in the Normalization of COVID-19 Epidemic Prevention and Control (Ninth Edition)", and the "Plan for Handling the Local Epidemic Situation of COVID-19 in Shandong Province (Fifth Edition)".

All departments conscientiously study the "Understanding Paper for the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 in Industrial Enterprises", and strive to do a good job in the normalization prevention and control of COVID-19 epidemic without blind spots and continuously and comprehensively.

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