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Italian company Danieli conducts supplier strength evaluation for Ishijima Heavy Industry

Release Time:2019-05-21


From April 10th to 12th, experts from Italy's Danieli company came to Ishijima Heavy Industry to conduct a supplier strength review of the intended cooperation in Azerbaijan supporting projects. Zhang Xiao, General Manager of Boao Company, and Guo Chunyi, Chief Engineer of Ishijima Heavy Industry, accompanied them.

At the first meeting, Chief Engineer Guo introduced the basic situation of Shidao Heavy Industry and led experts to visit the working environment of various functional departments of the company, introducing the work content and nature of relevant departments. During the audit process, experts from Danieli Company conducted a detailed review of the quality manual, program documents, design, materials, welding, quality control, flaw detection, equipment, contract review, and other documents of our company's ASME standard products. Experts from Danieli Company attach great importance to on-site production and manufacturing. During the audit period, they visited our company's production workshop to understand the production content and scope, and had a detailed understanding of the main production equipment performance. At the final meeting, experts from Danieli Company had a thorough communication with the company's quality assurance system personnel regarding the issues discovered during this audit, and expressed gratitude to Ishijima Heavy Industries for their full cooperation in the on-site audit work.

It is understood that Danieli Group is a steel industry equipment manufacturer with nearly a century of history, and is one of the world's three well-known metallurgical equipment manufacturers, headquartered in Italy. Danieli Group has factories or offices in 17 countries worldwide, with a total of nearly 6000 employees.

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