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Zou Jijun, member of the Standing Committee of Weihai Municipal Party Committee and commander of the Military Sub district, inspected Shidao Heavy Industry

Release Time:2019-06-01


On May 31, Zou Jijun, member of the Standing Committee of the Weihai Municipal Party Committee and commander of the Military Subarea, visited Shidao Heavy Industry, accompanied by Zou Dexin, secretary of the Party Working Committee of Shidao Management Area, Cui Yu'an, chairman of the company, and Wang Fengchi, secretary of the Party Committee.

Zou Jijun, commander, first listened to the report of Cui Yu'an, the chairman of the company, about the development process of the company, and affirmed that the company actively integrated into the national development strategy of the "the Belt and Road" and cooperated with Southeast Asia, Brunei and other countries. The Secretary of the Party Committee of the company, Wang Fengchi, introduced typical cases such as the company's equipment manufacturing capabilities, aerospace products, and seawater desalination products.

After listening to various introductions, commander Zou Jijun delivered a speech on military civilian integration, enterprise innovation and other issues, hoping that Shidao Heavy Industry would attach importance to military civilian integration, contact relevant departments as soon as possible, handle relevant certificates for the production of military products, and promote the in-depth development of military civilian integration. Finally, commander Zou Jijun also visited the production workshop with great interest to understand the production process of the company's products, and praised Shidao Heavy Industry for constantly promoting high-tech products to the world and vigorously expanding the international market.

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