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Ishijima Heavy Industry: Crossing the "Three Barriers" and Moving Forward with Orders

Release Time:2020-03-23

On one end, there is a "military order" where the growth rate of output value remains above 20%, and on the other end, there are "obstacles" such as insufficient skilled workers and urgent shortages of raw materials. Faced with difficulties, how should enterprises handle themselves?

Weihai Shidao Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. has chosen to overcome difficulties and achieve new heights through a flexible and efficient internal mechanism. The production capacity and output value are increasing every day, and the completion of pressure vessel orders in the first quarter will be close to 80 million yuan. "Liu Jing, Deputy General Manager of Weihai Shidao Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., is full of spring breeze." By April, we can achieve the highest production efficiency in the same period

Every day there is growth, and every month there is a continuous leap. How did Shidao Heavy Industry achieve this?

Time goes back to February 3rd. The main person in charge of Mount Taishan Group, the parent company of Weihai Shidao Heavy Industry, made a special trip to Weihai to arrange the epidemic prevention and control and the resumption of work. Liu Jing was greatly encouraged, but also a bit uneasy: "According to the previously set goals and tasks, the growth rate of output value will reach 20% this year. To be honest, when we first resumed work, we were all feeling a bit uneasy, and now our morale is rising

As a result, Ishijima Heavy Industries began to operate at high speed like a gear. Online video conferences have been held one after another around epidemic prevention and control, resumption of work and production; Reserve epidemic prevention materials and prepare for resumption of work procedures, with the management team running around and all employees urgently mobilized; Local government departments have provided timely assistance to fill in material gaps such as masks and provide precise guidance on resumption of work policies

On February 10th, Ishijima Heavy Industry resumed work as scheduled and unified its thinking: the task remains unchanged, the indicators remain unchanged, and a 20% increase in output value must be achieved!

Despite the resumption of work, Ishijima Heavy Industries still faces difficulties: orders are in place and there is a shortage of "troops". In the first ten days after resuming work, despite the 100 million yuan worth of orders saved a year ago, non local employees who returned to their hometowns for holidays were unable to enter, and only a hundred local skilled technicians were available. Some workshops can only produce 20% or 30% of their usual production capacity, just like the 'short board' in a wooden bucket. Unfortunately, we work in a highly collaborative manner among various types of work, and no workshop can delay us, "Liu Jing said.

In a hurry, Ishijima Heavy Industry temporarily hugged the Buddha's feet again. Considering the commonality of some auxiliary positions on the production line, the company boldly adopts an "internal sharing" mechanism for employees, conducts surprise training for existing employees, achieves mutual transfer of employees in the five major workshops, fully utilizes limited human resources, and ensures that the production capacity of main products is not affected as much as possible.

This temporary method has a good effect! "Liu Jing was full of excitement." Less than half of the employees are on duty, but the production capacity exceeds 60% of their usual capacity. Under the new mechanism, everyone is' excelling '

Not only did the internal employee sharing mechanism of "1+1>2" burst into vitality, facing a shortage of workers. Shidao Heavy Industry recalled skilled workers from all over the country and reached a cooperation with Rongcheng Technician College to carry out "customized training" based on pressure vessel production technology, and established a system of old leading new ones. At Ishijima Heavy Industries, more than 30 "new workers" were attracted through "customized training".

The shortage of manpower has been solved, and there is a third hurdle waiting - the required raw material inventory is urgent.

Affected by the epidemic, highways within the province have been closed, and large quantities of raw materials such as special steel plates required for the production of pressure vessels have been delayed in transportation. Faced with the dilemma of "no rice in the pot", the company and supplier Henan Wuyang Iron and Steel struggled and eventually persuaded each other to switch from road transportation to railway transportation, and then land transport the steel plates from Wendeng to Shidao after disembarking from the train. The raw materials that originally took two weeks to arrive at the factory only took four days, saving a significant amount of time and cost.

The resumption of work and production was smooth, new and old employees arrived, and the supply of raw materials was sufficient. Shidao Heavy Industry successfully overcame the "three obstacles", and production capacity rose like a spring bamboo shoot. Nowadays, in front of the company's workshop, on average, pressure vessels worth over one million yuan are transported to various parts of the country every day. According to Liu Jing's calculation, by April, Shidao Heavy Industry will once again "break free", delivering nearly 60 million yuan of orders that month. The newly signed 100 million yuan orders after the holiday can also be delivered consecutively in the second half of the year.

The last time we encountered similar difficulties was a financial crisis 10 years ago. But this time, with the help of rapid response and practical measures from governments at all levels, we have become more calm. We are busy with our employees every day, Liu Jing was full of optimism all over her body: "With more and more orders and faster catching up, we are confident in continuing to expand our goal of output growth

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