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Rongcheng and other enterprises have been shortlisted for the national "Little Giants"

Release Time:2021-08-12


Publicity by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

The third batch of national specialized, refined, and new "Little Giant" enterprises are listed, and Rongcheng City's "Weihai Shidao Heavy Industry Co., Ltd." and "Rongcheng Kangpaisi New Energy Vehicle Co., Ltd." are shortlisted.

The Shandong Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology has announced the list of "specialized, refined, and innovative" small and medium-sized enterprises in Shandong Province for the year 2021. Five enterprises in Rongcheng City were shortlisted: Rongcheng Hongfeng Automotive Supporting Co., Ltd., Rongcheng Lanrun Biotechnology Co., Ltd., Shandong Beike New Energy Technology Co., Ltd., Shandong Peisen Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., and Weihai Boston Yacht Co., Ltd. At the same time, Rongcheng Shengquan Ocean Food Co., Ltd. has passed the provincial-level "specialized, refined, and innovative" enterprise review.

In recent years, Rongcheng City has actively guided small and medium-sized enterprises to take the path of "specialization, boutique, distinctive, and innovative" development, comprehensively promoting the "specialized, refined, and innovative" development of small and medium-sized enterprises, and promoting enterprises to seize the initiative in the new round of technological transformation. Deeply tap into new driving forces for innovation and development of small and medium-sized enterprises, closely monitor their technological transformation and market expansion, and continuously lead small and medium-sized enterprises to achieve great results in small markets by highly focusing on a specific product or field.

Weihai Shidao Heavy Industry Co., Ltd

Weihai Shidao Heavy Industry Co., Ltd., founded by Mount Taishan Group with an investment of 1 billion yuan in January 2010, is a heavy equipment enterprise focusing on the production of nuclear power supporting equipment and large pressure vessels. Its products cover coal chemical industry, petrochemical industry, fine chemical industry, nuclear power, metallurgy, offshore petroleum equipment and new energy equipment. It is a backbone enterprise of the pressure vessel industrialization base. In 2020, the operating revenue was 540 million yuan. The hydrogenation heat exchanger produced by the company needs to have excellent hydrogen corrosion resistance and high-temperature oxidation resistance, which is a key area to supplement the shortcomings. Its market share ranks first in the province.

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