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Big Mac Launches to Africa

Release Time:2022-11-03

Reported by reporter Tao Xiangyin, correspondent Yang Zhili

On November 2nd, Weihai Shidao Heavy Industry Co., Ltd. officially shipped the first batch of large liquefied petroleum gas storage tanks manufactured in Angola to Africa at Shidao Port in Rongcheng City. These "giants" each have a diameter of 8 meters, a length of 80 meters, and a weight of approximately 480 tons.

In March of this year, African customers took advantage of Ishijima Heavy Industries' pressure vessel manufacturing capabilities and convenient sea transportation conditions, and signed a one-time order with the company for a total amount of 130 million yuan. Currently, Ishijima Heavy Industries is ramping up production at full capacity to ensure that all remaining equipment is delivered to customers within the year.

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